November 30

Brain Health – Topic

by Dr. Dov Pine

Introducing brain health as a discussion series

Our discussions on brain health draw from multiple disciplines and focus on practicality and function. The brain like every other part of the body has a lifespan. Its long-term preservation is subject to how well it is cared for throughout life. Sometimes it is subjected to the opposite – misuse, injury, neglect or even abuse.

Brain health encompasses all aspects of life

Therefore, an integrative approach to working with brain health encompasses factors such as nutrition, behavior, on-going learning, physical activity, routines vs novelty, challenge and adversity, relationships, biochemistry, injury and trauma, addiction and much more.  

Why are all those things so important in a discussion on brain health? For one, the brain is a material-based neurological tissue. It requires balanced nutrients, blood flow, glucose, oxygenation and waste removal to function. Thus, the importance of nutrition and exercise.

Secondly, the brain is a living and dynamically responsive programming center. Directives are constantly being reinforced and extinguished. The brain learns to perform at the potentials it is challenged by, utilizing all available resources. Adversity, learning, novelty and challenge contribute to brain performance. Conversely, brain function diminishes with disuse. Use it or lose it. However, every day basic routine use is insufficient; it needs more.

Thirdly, our thoughts, emotions, behavior, relationships and life attitude determine the chemical environment in the brain. Working with our baggage frees up and repurposes “trapped and imprisoned bandwidth.” That also increases our potential to embrace positive relationships and live a balanced life. Filling life with purpose and meaning.

Topics of discussion in our brain health articles

Ultimately, brain health is a point of confluence between nutrition, lifestyle, psychological hygiene, learning and more. To that end, articles in this section will include discussions on:

  1. Nutritional health for the brain – a great starting point is, what’s good for the heart is good for the brain.
  2. Neurogenesis – the process by which the brain naturally forms new brain cells and theories on stimulating it.
  3. The brain healing itself – it does with the right inputs. Practice them in health and injury alike.
  4. The embodied brain – the body is an extension of the brain and vice versa. It all works together.
  5. Theories and methods to prevent cognitive decline and preserve function.


About the author

Dr. Dov Pine

Dov is a Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist with a clinical focus in health restoration and individual potential through Meaning and Responsible Action. Dr. Pine lives in Newcastle, New South Wales and attends patients at Chiropractic Plus in New Lambton and Warners Bay.

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Brain Health – Topic

Brain Health – Topic

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