Integrative Nutrition

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Integrative Nutrition is an individualized process

Each cell in our body is made up of what we consume, what our mother consumed during pregnancy and what we are exposed to everyday. It’s true, we are indeed what we eat, however nutrition is more than just food. It determines our chemical makeup, how we produce hormones and neuropeptides and ultimately how we think, feel and age.

Every person is biologically and chemically distinct in their health needs. There is no one size fits all model in healthcare, especially when it comes to nutrition. Most people have gone through multiple nutrition plans and protocols and often without the intended result- atkins, keto, vegan, vegetarian, ayurvedic, macrobiotic, intermittent fasting, GAPS… With so much hype about diet fads and their failed attempts it becomes near impossible to navigate True North on the health compass.

The real question isn’t which style is best. The better question is what are the appropriate requirements for your unique constitution and goals?

Often, those requirements may change over time.

Integrative Nutrition is multi-disciplinary

Functional Medicine (FM) has been an excellent answer so far to the shortcomings of blanket approach nutritional plans. The detailed lab information, integrative analysis and insights provided through FM can then combined with Applied Kinesiology in practice, as a real time biofeedback method to address causes and their effects.

Moving beyond “asking what” to “determining why”

Identify (for example) why you keep developing a chronic fungal issue? Why you continue to have UTIs despite years of antibiotic use? Why you can’t lose weight despite your best attempts? Why your body still expresses Fibromyalgia or Rheumatoid Arthritis? Why you are chronically low in iron even though you supplement it regularly?

If we can identify “the why factor” which often involves multiple causes, than we can work to change it.

What to expect

Following an in-depth consultation, physical exam and metabolic assessment, Dr. Pine applies the principles of Functional Medicine, Applied Kinesiology, Integrative Nutrition, and Traditional Chinese Medicine / Ayurveda to tailor a program for your individual goals and biochemical / metabolic needs. This is what makes Integrative Nutrition an all bases covered approach.

The consultation process and ongoing sessions involve a continual evaluation of symptom changes together with your nervous system’s sensitivity to molds and fungi, bacterial, viral and parasitic infections, heavy metals and other chemical sensitivities, food sensitivities and more. Commonly, layers of these factors are combined and need to be corrected to restore balanced health.

Nutrition is not just eating healthy- it is a state of balance between the life giving materials we consume, the quality of digestion and elimination, good sleep, physical activity, happiness in relationships, and happiness with one’s self and more. It is a basic pillar in the foundation of health.

The healing process

Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair… These are the basic principles applied as we navigate through your body’s diverse needs. Some patients experience significant positive changes within relatively short amounts of time (1-3 weeks) others require months and longer. This is largely dependent on the nature of the condition(s) we are addressing.

We will work through phases with designated milestones towards clear goals. The therapeutic tools of lifestyle, nutrition and supplement recommendation is completely unique to your metabolic presentation. The ultimate goal is to uncover the source or sources of imbalances and correct them naturally so you can express greater health and quality of life.

The first session’s purpose is to understand your goals and formulate a clear picture for how to achieve them. All subsequent sessions serve to work closer and closer to those goals, understanding that health and dis-ease are multi-layered and take time. We will begin by starting with easy daily practices and simple concepts, one step at a time as you achieve small victories that become life changing transformations.
